Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've been a bit nostalgic recently. Here are some of my favorite photos from my "blast from the past" episodes.

This is my dad and I. We are at Niagra Falls on a trip. What a cute pair! (1982)

This is me at around age 5. My family was living in Turkey (1984-86). This is one of my favorite pictures of me.

This is a family portrait for when my dad was applying for something or other. This is one of the only times I can prove that I was taller than my brother (who is 6'9").

This is 8th grade, in Hawaii (1992-94). I was in the school band, playing bass clarinet. This isn't the most flattering picture and I thought I rocked in band (which probably wasn't true). I just had a blast.

This is Hawaii. It's on the main island by Kiluea volcano. We went to visit after a swim meet (if you can believe i was on a swim team). (1992-1994)

This is one of my favorite pictures of my borther and I. Mostly because my hair isn't frizzy and I'm actually wearing make-up. This was taken in Texas, I was in high school and my brother in middle school. (1994-1996)

This is still high school. This was a girls camp hike in S. Korea (1997). This was the hike where I sprained my ankle so bad,Iwas on crutches for 3 weeks, plus it was my birthday. But before that we felt like we were on the top of the world!

Korea (1996-1998). This is the DMZ, we are just south of the border between north and south Korea. It was quite eerie being that close!

This is the day I went into the MTC (2001). My brother being goofy as usual!