Monday, March 26, 2007


I have decided that being driven to craziness is going to be a never ending story in my life. Let me tell you why. I usually love my extended family, they are generally sane and fun and gracious and what not. Except for the ones I'm living with now (which will remain unnamed). They are driving me nuts! I knew something wasn't right with this one step-relative, but I didn't know the extent of it until I moved in and was living with it on a daily basis. Lets face it; living with someone that has a serious but treatable mental illness that they won't recognize and treat can wear a 'normal' person down. I'm just sick and tired of walking on eggshells around this person; not knowing how this person will react to whatever I do or say. Grrrr! Needless to say, I will be moving out on my own fairly quickly. (like within the next week, yay!) The only good thing that has come of this is that my cousin (their son/stepson) has moved back in and he and I can vent and stay sane and normal together.

On the other hand, on the upside of crazy...I have recieved some very exciting news! I have been accepted into the Physical Therapy Assistant Program I applied for! Yay! I will be starting in the fall and everything will look better once I get started. I love when things go right!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha you should read alice in wonderland. she was surrounded by crazy people. then there's me. can a person get crazier?